There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you

I like to celebrate. It all began in college. I was a three time college drop out before I buckled down and got to business.(Don't be so shocked)

So, I began to celebrate my collegiate achievements. At the end of the semesters, I would buy a novel as my reward for just attending class and then finishing out the semesters. Sort of Applied Behavior Analysis to myself. Or, I'd have ice cream for good grades. (that means extra ice cream on top of the normal and good grades were usually Bs and Cs since I'm not very studious) Then beginning my actual Special Ed classes, I began to treat myself to dinners and celebrate the accomplishment of getting As. This upward trend is due to maturation and being tired of working 60-70 hours a week as a paraprofessional and pet store salesperson and eating Ramen Noodles.

When undergrad graduation started to become closer to reality, I started to celebrate and count down the days. I started counting down two years before graduation. Nuts? Yes, but by now I had 6 years of college already! I became known in my SPED cohort as the celebrator and at any given time someone (including profs) would ask how many days were left until graduation and I would promptly answer. 545 days. 400 days. 200 days. You get the idea. At each 100, we would go celebrate. It was fun. It was motivating.

After my first year of teaching (God help us all that was the most wonderful experience because I met some fantastic friends, but the most horrible teaching experience to date) So, after the first year of teaching I celebrated. After the second year of teaching I didn't celebrate. I miss celebrating. I often stop and look around my classroom and take a peek at my checking account to realize the most remarkable accomplishment of my life and that is I am a teacher. A teacher of severely impaired tiny kids who are the light of their parents' lives, who are scared to death to leave their children at school because of all of their severe medical and physical needs. And they leave them with me! All 11 (right now) of them. How awesome is that?

I decided I was going to celebrate this year. I haven't celebrated in a long time the little things that are happening. I will celebrate my third year teaching. I will celebrate my friend's successful, but stressful first year teaching down south. I will celebrate my friend's successful second year teaching urban kindergartners. I will celebrate my supportive boss.

But most of all, I'm going to celebrate everything I have learned over the last three years. The hard parts. The easy parts. The crying parts. The laughing parts. The amazing hugs. And the most important parts of all being the friendships I have made. Awesome friends!

Cheers to you and may Kool and The Gang celebrate with you!